Sunday, December 27, 2009

It's been a while...

...and I'm just gonna jump in!

As you may know, two of our very very best friends have moved to Chicago and we have yet to see them since our departure from Florida (except for a brief hug at Newark airport). We are extraordinarily excited to be making the trip out there in the next few months and are in the preliminary stages of planning it! It dawned on me a few weeks back that really there is no better time to be with Jenn and Brandon than during one of OUR national holidays---the Oscars! The only problem is: JT hates flying. She has never been on a train before and has always wanted to and because I love her so much, I thought, what the hell, I should really look into this train thing. So, I start researching it again and the fares are about $84/person each way (equivalent to the cost of flight), which isn't bad at all and then I was thinking, well, if we are going to be spending an entire day on a train, we really should look into getting a room with a convertible bed---because everybody knows---if Lauren doesn't sleep a solid 8 or 9 hours...ain't nobody gonna be happy the next day! The good news is---we can have our own little room with a bathroom for only an extra $184!!! Which is totes sweet! $184 isn't that bad, and you're kinda paying for the experience/adventure/sort-of-safety of it. The idea was actually starting to become a possibility...until I watched the virtual tour. Check it out for yourself:

Anybody notice anything a little strange? Yeah, it's pretty small, but we live in Manhattan, so we have kind of grown accustomed to smaller spaces. And there aren't any electrical outlets, which isn't GREAT, but it wouldn't hurt to step away from our Macs for a day and take it back old school with the handy checker board that folds down! I mean, I am the ultimate Checkers player! So far, not too bad...oh wait, oh yeah...the toilet is NEXT to the bed(!?!) curtain, no wall, NOTHING. And the sink folds out from the wall (which is kind of cool and very 21st century), but WTF? The toilet. Is Next to. The Bed.

And then I thought, yeah, we'll NEVER be that close. Which was rapidly followed up with---no ONE should ever be that close.

PLANE it is!...not that those bathrooms are any better ;)