Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sailing Again...

Perhaps you have heard...but if you haven't been lurking on Facebook lately, here's the skinny on the top news story coming out of New York City tonight: yep, that's right folks...the possibilities are endless, yet again! After 8 months in the big apple, I finally feel adjusted and secure enough to jump back into the acting community and I am pretty excited about it. Whether it be that reoccurring role on the CW or my debut on Sesame Street or possibly even that Neutrogena commercial where I am seen splashing water on my smiling face in slow motion, I am ready! All great thoughts are out in the Universe and my mind and heart are open to what may be in store...

"Lauren, living the life of your dreams is a lot like sailing.

You pick your destination, hoist up your sail, make minor adjustments while the journey is underway, and let the wind do all the hard work.

In other words, imagine the end result, do what little you can, make minor adjustments while the journey is underway, and let me blow your mind.

The Universe

Of course, Lauren, there are also a few "don'ts." Like don't think that just because there's magic in life you won't have to hoist up your sails, or that doing so will instantly deliver you to your destination. Don't assume that just because there isn't wind one day it's a "sign" that something is wrong, or that you won't have it tomorrow. And, perhaps most importantly, don't forget to pack your Ding Dongs, Ho Hos, and cupcakes."

*As if I would ever travel without my Ding Dongs*